Today we are launching our (hopefully final!) fundraising campaign. We are trying to raise $15,000, enough for us to pay our translators to finish translating every word of Where There Is No Doctor into Bambara. We started this project over two years ago, and the end is finally in sight. Please consider making a donation to help make this dream a reality, and put life-saving information into the hands of ordinary Malians. As of today, we’ve already raised $7,743, so we are just over halfway towards our goal. A huge thank you to everyone who has already donated!
The theme of our fundraising campaign is Walenyumandon, the Bambara word for gratitude.

What are you grateful for in your life? Many of us have been touched by our time in Mali, with incredible host families, unforgettable life lessons, and cherished friends. We are also grateful for the health resources we have here in the United States, often lacking in West Africa. Many of our supporters do so out of a desire to “give back” in some small way for all that we’ve received.
We encourage you to share with the world what YOU are grateful for this Fall, whether it be a host family that cared for you while ill, great friends you made abroad, or simply having access to a hospital in the United States.
Today we are kicking off our 2014 online fundraiser campaign by asking our friends and supporters to share what they are grateful for. If you appreciate the work we do, please give now to help us meet our fundraising goal.