Friends of Mali Newsletter

Special Edition, February 2013

From the editor

The Friends of Mali organization has been in hibernation for the last several years, but there are efforts afoot to rejuvenate the organization (on Facebook here, or read more below). Given recent events, I think you’ll agree: Mali needs more friends in the international community, now more than ever. The old Friends of Mali website is still online thanks to Jeff Spivack (Mopti Region, 1996–98), and while it is no longer actively updated, it still contains a few interesting items. Our purpose in writing now is to reconnect the community, and to invite you to help us re-launch the organization, either as an organizer, member, or supporter.

Marlow Schindler, Sikasso Region 2011–12

In this edition:

Re-Invigorating Friends of Mali

Dozens of country-of service groups help connect Peace Corps alumni and help carry out the Third Goal of Peace Corps: “to help Americans understand the people and cultures of other countries.”

The Friends of Mali group has come and gone at least twice over the years, and was last active about 8 or 9 years ago. In 2003, the Friends of Mali sent dozens of volunteers to participate in Smithsonian’s Folklife Festival, which highlighted the art, music, and culture of Mali. At the time, the organization was quite official: we had bylaws, elections, dues-paying members, a printed newsletter, and a state-of-the-art (for the time) website. A new incarnation for Friends of Mali could look similar, or it could be something simpler, like a Facebook page where people can share photos, links, and information.

Friends of Mali on Facebook

If you are interested in re-launching Friends of Mali, or just want to stay in touch, click “like” on the new Facebook page. If you’re not on Facebook, you can contact Jumana Qamruddin (Segou region, 1998–2000).

Most “Friends of” groups are member groups of the National Peace Corps Association. The NPCA welcomes new member groups at any time. Read more about resources and member group benefits at NPCA’s website.

Translating Where There Is No Doctor into Bambara

Where There Is No Doctor

Who can forget the book Where There Is No Doctor? I inherited a tattered copy at my site, which was a frequent source of amusement and horror. Of course, no one in my village could read or understand English, but its illustrations were occasionally useful to communicate health-related subjects. And unfortunately, I sometimes needed it for self-diagnosis (Yikes, what’s that rash?).

Illustration from West African edition of Where There Is No Doctor

In April 2012, a group of volunteers – most of us Mali RPCVs – started the Dokotoro Project, to adapt and translate Where There Is No Doctor into Bambara. We are working closely with the book’s publisher, Hesperian Health Guides, based in Berkeley, California. Our goal is to make the book available in Bambara, as well as to create bilingual editions in French-Bambara and English-Bambara.

Dokotoro Project volunteer Michelle Chan observed, “We all believe that everyone deserves adequate health care, no matter where they live. In Mali, a woman is 25 times as likely to die from pregnancy and childbirth as a woman in the United States, and that needs to change.”

The translation work is being done in Bamako by a dedicated team of professional translators, all former PC Mali language instructors. We have finished two chapters, and they have been expertly laid out by professional medical illustrator and designer Ruth McDonald (Mali, 2003–04) and are posted on the Dokotoro website for feedback.

Illustration from West African edition of Where There Is No Doctor

We need your help! We could particularly use additional tubabukan experts for French translation, or anyone with a medical background or recent experience with medicine in Mali. To volunteer, contact Jenna Lohmann (Koulikoro region 2011–12) at

And of course, we need more money. We’ve already raised over $9,000, but we need about $30,000 total for translation, editing, and field-testing. Please consider making an online donation through First Giving, or send a check to the address here.

We’d love to hear from you! How did you use Where There is No Doctor? What would you do to make it better suited for Mali? Drop us a line and stay in touch at our website, like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.

Matthew Heberger, Segou Region 1996–1998

Other Ways to Help

Since the outbreak of violence in northern Mali in January 2012, thousands of northern Malians have been forced to flee from their homes. The situation is only getting worse with the recent escalation of hostilities. Estimates of the number of refugees vary, but Doctors without Borders estimated that 260,000 had fled their homes as of April 2012.

Refugee camps in Niger and Mauritania are crowded, and the living conditions are difficult. Much of the region suffered from drought over the last two years, increasing the difficulty of providing food and water for refugees.

The Mentao Nord refugee camp in Burkina Faso. Photo by Pablo Tosco/Oxfam
The Mentao Nord refugee camp in Burkina Faso. Photo by Pablo Tosco/Oxfam.

The needs in Mali are great. Please consider donating to an organization you believe in. Here are several reputable organizations active in providing aid and relief to refugees in Mali and neighboring countries. Agencies working in the region include, but are certainly not limited to:

News & Information from Mali (in English)

The Facebook group “All Mali, All the Time” is an active community, whose 900+ members post links, news announcements, etc. The 1,000-member group Americans and Friends in Mali has a similar makeup.

Bridges from Bamako is a blog by Mali RPCV (1997-1999) Bruce Whitehouse, professor of anthropology at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania. Bruce was on a Fulbright Fellowship in 2012 and living with his family in Bamako when the coup took place and violence broke out. During the coup Bruce posted frequent updates to his blog, including excerpts from the Malian media and “man on the street” viewpoints. He continues to post occasional essays and insightful analysis.

Gregory Mann — A historian of francophone West Africa at Columbia University, Dr. Mann occasionally posts articles at the news and opinion blog “Africa Is a Country.”

Peter Tinti — Another Mali RPCV and a freelance journalist who splits his time between Bamako and Dakar, and reports for the Associated Press, Christian Science Monitor, and others. His articles are compiled at

Children playing in the water outside of Hombori, Mali
Children playing in the water outside of Hombori, Mali. Photo courtesy of Rafael Jariod Franco/CC ONG.

News & Information from Mali en français

Of course, there are plenty of online sources to read news from Mali in French. is a rich, frequently updated news site. It is a clipping service that links to articles from many French-language sites in France, Mali, and elsewhere.

Radio France Internationale’s Africa coverage — For up to the minute coverage of the hostilities, RFI has published “Mali: suivez les événements en direct” which is updated constantly throughout the day.

Update from Peace Corps Mali

Activities suspended in April 2012

More than 2,600 Peace Corps volunteers have served in Mali since the program was established in 1971. However, the program has undergone and is continuing to experience dramatic changes since the military coup in March 2012, which prompted Peace Corps to evacuate all 186 volunteers in country and suspend any admission of new volunteers until the political situation is stabilized.

The loss of all volunteers and related activities has resulted in corresponding scaling-back of Peace Corps Mali staff, infrastructure, and programming.

Peace Corps Mali Staff at Tubani So in June 2011
Peace Corps Mali Staff at Tubani So in June 2011.

The Kayes, Segou, and Mopti regional houses have closed, leaving the Kita, Sikasso, Bamako, and Dioila houses open. Peace Corps is maintaining these houses in the hopes of bringing in a new stage as soon as is safe and reasonable.

Training staff have re-organized the programs and plan to move forward with four sectors: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene; Community Economic Development; Agro-forestry; and Education. They have decided to suspend the Health Education program for the time being.

As for future volunteers, the current Director for Programming and Training, Jolie Dennis, says that, “The date of Peace Corps Response Volunteers return to Mali is still an unknown given this country is a complete mess in the north and the south these days. If we are lucky, by the end of 2013 or early 2014, but right now we are trying to get through each day and pray the rebels don’t take more government-held territory and that these fools demonstrating en masse knock it off so we can have one stable portion of the country.”

Former Country Director Mike Simsik visiting volunteer sites in Dogon country
Former Country Director Mike Simsik visiting volunteer sites in Dogon country.

Malian Musicians on Tour in 2013

Despite the troubles at home, many Malian musicians continue to tour all around the globe. Get out to an upcoming concert if you can. What better way is there to celebrate Malian culture and support world-class musicians? Below is a selection of Malian artists with North American tour dates scheduled in 2013. Want to stay tuned for more? Check out Afropop Worldwide. If you’re in the San Francisco Bay Area, visit the African Music Calendar at

Fatoumata Diawara—The actor and singer-songwriter behind the recent Mali-Ko project which brought together a who’s who of Malian musicians to call for unity and peace.

Cover of Fatoumata Diawara's album Fatou

Ballaké Sissoko and Vincent Segal—Malian Kora virtuoso Ballaké Sissoko joins French Cellist Vincent Segal are touring to support their new album Chamber Music, hailed by NPR as the “most beautiful world music record of the decade.”

Ballaké Sissoko and Vincent Segal performing 'Chamber Music'

Vieux Farka Touré—The son of the late great Ali Farka Touré, who has become an international star in his own right. His 2012 album the Tel Aviv Sessions with Israeli pianist and composer Idan Raichel was unforgettable.

Vieux Farka Touré and Idan Raichel in the studio

Habib Koité—A perrennial favorite. In 2013, he appears with American blues musician Eric Bibb on the “Brothers in Bamako” tour, in a stripped-down acoustic show without his regular band Bamada.

Habib Koité and Eric Bibb - Brothers in Bamako

Tinariwen—The Tuareg super-group of desert rockers won the world music Grammy in 2012 for their album Tassili.


Support from Author of “Monique and the Mango Rains”

We were delighted to receive an endorsement of the Dokotoro Project from Kris Holloway, author of Monique and the Mango Rains: Two Years with a Midwife in Mali.

During my Peace Corps experience in Mali, Where There is No Doctor was one of the few practical, life-saving books I used in my work in a small clinic. How useful it would have been to have a copy in Bambara so that health workers in my village could read it!

Monique and the Mango Rains - book coverWhen talking to friends about the Dokotoro Project, I tell them that to really understand the health challenges in Mali, they should read Monique and the Mango Rains.

In this extraordinary work of non-fiction, Ms. Holloway describes her time as a Peace Corps health worker and the extraordinary friendship she develops with a young village midwife, Monique Dembelé. I am not exaggerating when I say, “you will laugh and you will cry” while reading this book.

It’s particularly great to have Kris’s support, just as we launch our six-week fundraising campaign, Have a Heart for Mali.” This is our effort to raise $20,000 (two-thirds of our translation budget) by March 31.

Monique and the Mango Rains is now available on Kindle from All sales of the book support Clinique Monique, the rural health clinic established in Monique’s honor.

February Project Update

The Dokotoro Project Steering Committee held its monthly meeting in the beginning of February. It’s been a busy month! Much of the discussion revolved around the soon-to-be-launched fundraising campaign.

Present: Matt, Michelle, Jenna, Zach, Marlow, Aaron, Ruth



The group welcomed Aaron Goldblatt to the steering committee. Aaron was in the Butterknife stage (2003–2004) in Sevaré, and now is a medical resident in Santa Rosa, California. We are delighted to have someone with expertise in international medicine on the steering committee.
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The Best Malian Music Clip on the Web?

In the last few weeks, as major media outlets scrambled to explain to readers why they should care about Mali, many took note of the country’s magnificent musical heritage. There have been expertly-curated online listening tours, a few top 10 lists, conjecture about where Mali’s Tuareg musicians’ loyalties lie, and consternation over the future of Mali’s music festivals. In January, a who’s-who of Malian musical stars came together to record “Mali ko.” But was it “voices united for peace,” or a call to rise up and violently repel northern aggressors?

I’ve been an avid collector, listener, and concertgoer of Malian music for over a decade. For what it’s worth, here is my favorite Malian music clip on the web, a fireside session with the griots of Kela, from the collection of Tout Pouissant Africa.

January Project Update

The Dokotoro Project continues to make progress–despite the holidays and travel, a lot has happened in the last month! Here’s an update from our monthly Steering Committee meeting held during the first week of January.

Jenna_Dokotoro_PicFirst off, we are delighted to welcome Jenna Lohmann to the committee. Jenna will be helping recruit and manage volunteers as our new Volunteer Coordinator. Like several of us, Jenna was a Mali Peace Corps Volunteer, serving as as a water and sanitation volunteer in the Koulikoro region from 2011-2012. She now works as an environmental scientist for a consulting firm in Oakland, California. Welcome Jenna! (To volunteer, drop her a line at!)

Translation and Layout

A few issues have come up regarding our plans to produce English and French-language back-translations of the Bambara edition of Where There Is No Doctor. Hesperian staff want to make sure that the information that is published stays up to date, and worry that producing an alternate English-language edition could result in an edition that is hard to keep updated. Regarding the French-language edition, this book is copyrighted (and sold) by the Senegalese NGO ENDA. We received permission to reuse the material in the book via an email from an ENDA staffer, but may need more explicit permission to distribute a new edition of the book in French. So all of this is TBD for now. It is possible that we may produce something, but that it will only be available on request; i.e. not printed or posted publicly on the internet.

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Dokotoro Project Hackathon Planned for January 27 in Oakland

If you’re in the Bay Area, and you’re interested in getting involved in the Dokotoro Project, come to our first Hackathon-style work party on Sunday, January 27 in Oakland.

RSVP to volunteer coordinator Jenna Lohmann at

page 23 imageWhen:  Sunday, January 27, Noon – 4:00 pm

Where: Pacific Institute
Preservation Park
654 13th Street
Oakland, CA 94612
Google Maps link

Bring:  A laptop if you have one

Why: Because we need a LOT of help from volunteers to keep this project moving. We have tasks to match any skill set, for example: proofreading and editing in English and French, formatting Word documents, inserting and manipulating images, researching and contacting potential donors, creating content for the website and Facebook page, etc.

Steering Committee members will be on hand to get you started and answer any questions. Pizza and beverages provided. We may retire to a local pub afterwards for drinks or to watch football, if that’s your thing (the NFL Pro Bowl starts at 4pm Pacific).

We’re hoping to create a convivial atmosphere where we can come together, build community, have fun, and do important work. Please consider joining us!

New Downloads Page

We’re excited to announce a new Downloads page on the Dokotoro Project website! Here, anyone who’s interested can keep track of our work. You can download drafts of the first two chapters that we’ve had translated.

sigida18 sigida20

You’ll also find links to the French-language version of Where There is No Doctor, Là Où Il n’y a Pas de Docteur, originally published by the Senegalese NGO ENDA. We are working hard to modernize and update this edition before translating it into Bambara.


December Project Update

During November, our focus was on planning our big Launch Party and Fundraiser, which was by all accounts a big success. After a month off, the Dokotoro Project Steering Committee held its monthly meeting on December 2. Here’s a short wrap-up.

General updates

The group welcomed Zach Matheson to the steering committee. We extended our thanks to Anh Ly, who is leaving the steering committee due to other commitments.


Fundraising update

We raised around $6,000 from the fundraiser, including donations that came in immediately before and after the event. There are a few loose ends, e.g. checks written to the wrong organization, bad credit card numbers, that need to be taken care of. For anyone who gave us an address, you should have already gotten a donor acknowledgment from African Sky, and a personal thank you note from us.

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