Final days of Have a Heart for Mali fundraising campaign

Have a Heart for Mali
There are just two days left in our Have a Heart for Mali campaign! To everyone who has donated during the last six weeks, we say thank you, merci, i ni ce! Thanks to your support, we will be able to keep our team of professional translators and editors in Bamako busy through the end of 2013 and finish translating nearly half of the book.

Please consider making a donation today. We are a volunteer-run organization, so every dollar will pay to translate, proofread, edit, or field-test the Bambara-language edition of Where There is No Doctor.

Thanks to the excellent blog Boing Boing for helping spread the word about our project yesterday!

Launch Party and Fundraiser on Sunday, November 11!

For those in Northern California, come celebrate the completion of our first two chapters at our launch party hosted at a beautiful home near Buena Vista Park in San Francisco. Fantastic Bay views, crisp autumn air, great company, live kora music, and delicious West African food and drinks.

Sunday, November 11, 2012
3 – 7 pm
RSVP to for location and details
or sign up on Facebook.

The venue is accessible by public transit. Carpools available from the East Bay; let us know if you need a ride or can offer a ride.

A donation request will be made at the event. For those of you who cannot attend but still want to support this effort, consider making an online donation, or contact Michelle to discuss volunteer opportunities.

No party’s really a party without great music