We’ve just posted a couple of new documents on our downloads page in the last few days. This includes two really important chapters:
- Chapter 14, Serious illnesses that need special medical attention.
- Chapter 24, HIV and AIDS
Chapter 14 contains vital information on dangerous illnesses like tuberculosis, rabies, tentanus, meningitis, cholera, etc. It feels like a major accomplishment to finally publish this chapter. The source text was only 14 pages long, but it took a lot of work to create the draft layout due to the many figures and captions.
We are now working on finalizing the Green Pages, with all the information about medicines, and the chapter on Family Planning. The latter requires some new material to be translated, since Hesperian Health Guides recently did a major overhaul of this material in the new 2015 edition of Where There Is No Doctor.
The materials are available in both French and Bambara, in keeping with our new commitment to make all the materials available in both languages. Here’s an interactive version of the side-by-side bilingual layout for you to browse: